Motorola Bpr40 Programming Software Download
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Sep 18, 2013 You need an account with Motorola to buy the software. Check out the sticky threads at the top of the / / forum. Note that you will need a programming cable as well. Radio Software. NOTE: Programming Cable Not Included. Motorola P1225 VHF/UHF: Motorola MagOne BPR40 VHF/UHF. Program Software Kenwood, Motorola, Yaesu Ryan Smith. View and Download Mag One BPR 40 service manual online. BPR 40 Transceiver pdf manual download. BPR 40; Service manual; Mag One BPR 40 Service Manual. Introduction Section 4 RADIO PROGRAMMING Introduction The radios can be programmed using the Customer Programming Software (CPS). Programming Your Radio Overview of the Programming.

Motorola Radio Programming Software Download
I understand that in the USA and Canada, it is possible for end-customers to gain access to Motorola Online by purchasing a software subscription licence - this is not available in EMEA. I don't know about Latin America or Asia.
End customers in EMEA can obtain the CPS from the same source as their radios. The radio supplier can, as a service, provide periodic updates for purchased CPS via their website or via Motorola Online. If you need to get the CPS and, for whatever reason, are unable to contact the company who supplied you the radios, then please click here.
If you came here via a Google search, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it is not possible to download the CPS from this site. Please click here to obtain a legal copy.